Install Windows 11 on Unsupported PC – Windows 11 has arrived, although it’s the developer edition, but multiple breathing Windows druggies claim to try this new Windows edition. Unfortunately for some of them, this rearmost Windows supports a numerous specific processors and has strict attack conditions. Therefore, if your computer does n’t fulfill these attack conditions, also Windows 11 will not be installed on your computer. Does it mean you will be devoid of the experience of using Windows 11? Absolutely not! In this companion, we will describe how to install Windows 11 on unsupported PC/ attack by following a simple installation system
Minimal hardware conditions for Windows 11
Before you follow the Windows installation system described on this runner, you must make sure that your computer does n’t fulfill the minimum attack conditions for Windows 11 as they have been mentioned by Microsoft.
° 64- bit processor of modern generation
° Minimum 2 core processor of at least 1 GHz
timer speed
° 64 GB of Hard Drive
° 4 GB of RAM
° Secure Boot suitable, UEFI
° TPM ( Trusted Platform Module) of reading 2
or advanced
° Minimum display resolution of 1366 x 768
° Minimum display screen of 9- inch
°C ompatible with DirectX 12 or subsequently with ° WDDM2.0 automobilist
What you need to install Windows 11 on unsubstantiated PC/ attack?
Still, but if you still try to install Windows 11, also you will see an error screen similar to the one shown below, If your computer does n’t satisfy the minimum attack conditions mentioned in the below section.

To bypass this error screen and rightly install Windows 11 on unsubstantiated PC/ attack you will have to download a limited software lines.
- Windows 11 ISO File First you should download the ISO File which you will use to install Windows 11. You can pierce this ISO file by visiting the functionary point ( click on below link 🔗).
- Download Rufus and make your movable pendrive into bootablependrive.and follow these below step to install rearmost windows 11.
• arrestment your system and click charge option crucial multiple times in your system.
• elect the charge train and click enter. Also will press SFT F10 and write regedit press enter. - Bypass TPM or Secure Boot check Still, you need to produce two entries in the Registry, If your PC does not support TPM and Secure boot. Let’s see how to do it.
- In the Registry, move to the positionHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SYSTEM> Setup. You can copy/ paste the below- mentioned path in the Registry search bar too.
Right-click on Setup and choose New> Key to make a new entry under it and name that new entry LabConfig. - Produce Registry Key.
- While LabConfig is chose, right-click on an empty space in the right panel and choose DWORD (32- bit) Value from the New option.
- LabConfig Produce DWORD Value
Name this entry BypassTPMCheck and also double-click on it and change its value to 00000001. - This will disable the TPM check, but you need to produce another entry then for the Secure Boot check.
- Right-click again in the empty white space inside LabConfig and choose DWORD (32- bit) Value from the New option.
Name it BypassSecureBootCheck and double click on it, and set its value to 00000001 too. - Close all the dialogue box and install manually.
Windows 11 download 🔗 link
Rufus download 🔗 link
Now Windows 11 installation process won’t check for TPM2.0 and Secure Charge.
The Windows installation process will start. That is it.
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~~good luck 😊 ~Thankyou for visiting ~~